To celebrate our 150th episode (by some ways of counting) we launch a competition to write a whole adventure in 1500 words, and talk to Alex Aguila, who has already done it, about his life in gaming and Year Zero Engine plans

00.00.40: Introduction
00.03.36: Thank you to our new patrons: Wil Logsdon and Aaron Silverman

00.05.19: World of Gaming: ZineQuest; The One Ring KS, Xanadu - Nibiru Expansion; Traveller Mercenary set;  Alien Colonial Marine Operations Manual delay; Alien Dead Sea; Alien: The Colony
00.35.18: 150th episode - reflections and a competition

Choose any Free League game in EnglishWrite an adventure for it in English in 1500 words or less (about two sides of US letter paper)Send it to our emailYou retain all the intellectual rights to your workThe prize is a £50 (or local equivalent) voucher for Drive Thru RPG

00.49.21: The Syndicate
01.05.13: Player in the Hamam: Alex Aguila tells us about his life in gaming, founding Alienware, selling Alienware, founding Firelock Games, publishing Blood and Plunder and more, and plans for two Year Zero Engine RPGs
01.44.00: Coming next and goodbye

Effekt is brought to you by Fictionsuit and RPG Gods. Music is by Stars in a Black Sea, used with kind permission of Free League Publishing.

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