00.00.40: Introduction
00.02.40: Welcome to our new patrons: Christofer Andersson; Matthieu Gras
00.08.10: World of Gaming: Tove Gilbring died this week; Marvel Multiverse RPG playtest released; always planned (never added later)announcement of itch.io Superhero GameJam; Ruins: of the Lost Realm; and of Symbaroum, Cohors Cthulhu; Spelljammer and Dragonlance announced, and Wizards buying D&D Beyond. We speak un petit petit peu french on francophone podcast
00.47.35: Matthew raves about Death In Space

01.10.18: Guest speaker Daniel Williamson of RPG Logic podcast continues to discuss an alternative to Money in the Third Horizon

01.30.37: Next time and goodbye

Effekt is brought to you by Fictionsuit and RPG Gods. Music is by Stars in a Black Sea, used with kind permission of Free League Publishing.

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