Unlike those internet viral hoaxes, today actually IS Back to the Future 2 day. To celebrate, we have an interview to go with our very own Ewan Leeming's talk on time travel in popular fiction (which you can also download today). We talk about Ewan's favourite time travel stories, how he got into skepticism, and his pets as a child...

Ewan is something of a renaissance man: having qualified (and worked briefly) as a Maths Teacher, he’s also been a Gamekeeper, Outdoor Instructor, Science Presenter, Tutor, Farm Worker, Croupier, Shelf Stacker, Science Communicator, Newsletter Editor, Motorsport Event Organiser and probably some other things he’s forgotten about.

Currently he’s a Senior Printer at the best Printers in Edinburgh: The Edinburgh Copyshop. He’s also the chair of Edinburgh Skeptics, attempting to keep everyone else sane while we put on more events per year than any other skeptical group in the country.

You'll find Ewan on Twitter at @champnav


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