Our guest this episode is Jennifer Veitch, principal research officer for the National Research Council Canada. If you enjoy this episode, share it with friends and give us a review on iTunes. In this episode, we discuss; ·  How physical space effects how we feel. ·  Visual inputs as a primary receptor. ·  The interconnection […]

Our guest this episode is Jennifer Veitch, principal research officer for the National Research Council Canada.

If you enjoy this episode, share it with friends and give us a review on iTunes.

In this episode, we discuss;

·  How physical space effects how we feel.
·  Visual inputs as a primary receptor.
·  The interconnection between lighting, acoustics and ventilation.
·  IEQ as a staff retention factor.

And much more…….

For more information on Jennifer and her work

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenniferveitch/

Website: https://nrc.canada.ca/en

Website: https://www.apa.org/science/about/psa/2009/06/veitch

Google Scholar webpage: https://scholar.google.ca/citations?user=rOE_EKwAAAAJ

Twitter @JenniferVeitch1


Dr. Jennifer Veitch is a Principal Research Officer in NRC Construction, where since 1992 she has led research into the effects of indoor environmental conditions, particularly lighting, on health and behaviour. Her projects are sponsored by a variety of industry, non-profit foundation, and governmental clients. She is known internationally for a model of lighting quality which has influenced recommendations and standards in North American and Europe; furthermore, she has demonstrated that better-quality lighting can both reduce energy use and improve organizational effectiveness if it is designed with individual needs in mind.

Dr. Veitch is a Fellow of the Canadian Psychological Association, the American Psychological Association, the International Association of Applied Psychology, and the IES. In 2011 she received the Waldram Gold Pin for Applied Illuminating Engineering from the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) and in 2018 she received the IES Medal Award. She is a member of the editorial advisory boards for seven scholarly journals, including the Journal of Environmental Psychology. Among other leadership positions in both the lighting and psychology communities, she currently serves the CIE as Vice- President, Technical, and chairs the Canadian mirror committee to ISO/TC 274 – Light and Lighting.

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