Join Cathryn Taylor for this broadcast of her new "Rap and Tap" series. . In this episode Cathryn leads through a series of EFT tapping sequences to address this dilemma of how you turn to your higher source when in need. With her signature interactive tapping™ sequences Cathryn assists you in understanding the purpose of your possible ambivalence by seeing this challenges through the eyes of your personality and soul.

For more information on Cathryn and her work please visit Cathryn’s website which is

To schedule a FREE 15-minute assessment please call her at 612.710.7720. 

Thank you for your interest in the Edge! Please go to to view the latest issue of the Edge. 

For information on advertising in the Edge please contact Cathy Jacobsen at 763.433.9291. Or via email at [email protected]

For article submission please contact Tim Miejan at 651,578.8969. Or via email at [email protected]

Or for further information regarding the Edge Talk Radio contact Cathryn at via email at [email protected]