Hi lovely people,

Welcome to our 3rd podcast and we actually forgot to say on the podcast that we have a new jingle!! Thanks to Nigel (@Nrtaylor101) from the @RCEMLearning team for his help with that.

Ok so we are pretty chuffed with the support you guys have given us so far and we want to keep improving, this podcast does have a couple of blips- bear with me as I am still trying to get good at editing the content. 

This episode is all about Pain in the ED and centered around the CCT2 part of the framework, we talk about each part although we never did quite get to what the 3 parts of pain management were so if you can help get in touch. 

We also talked about Fascia Iliaca Blocks (FIB) at the end which is becoming a very common technique for the management of pain associated with fractures to the Neck of Femur (NOF). Check out this fantastic blog by the guys at St Emlyns which explains it all here

We talked about the RCEM safety alert for FIB and this can be found here

Finally we wanted to link you to the framework again but specifically what each page says about the level of competency and how you get to each level so those images are below. 

The more you use the framework the more it'll become second nature to pick a subject do some self directed learning around it then return to the competency to link it. 

Take home points-

Assess pain using a tool (i.e. 1 to 10)

Give appropriate analgesia 

Please reassess pain after analgesia is given 


Keep doing amazing thing in ED!!


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