Stephane gives an update on his bitcoin privacy and command-line bookkeeping efforts
Edaqa explains how TransferWise Borderless account can be a good way to get paid in USDs
and we grumble about PayPal as a transit account for USDs

Transit accounts for USDs, Bitcoin privacy & Command-line accounting

Show Notes

Bitcoin ATM Radar

About us

Edaqa’s programming book
Edaqa’s kitchen
Stephane’s dj sets: SoundCloud, Mixcloud
Send us feedback: @edaqa, @djlestephane
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Blue Sky Blues by Kara Square (c) copyright 2019 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Admiral Bob


#programming #writing #privacy #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #mastermind #paypal #transferwise #finops #bookkeeping


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