What should you anticipate from the market in 2021?

➡️ In this episode of Making Sense ⬅️

Ed Butowsky analyzes what financial sectors did well and which sectors did not in 2020. As well as what we can expect in 2021. Ed Butowsky also breaks down exactly what you need to know about each of these sectors in relation to YOUR wealth management plan and investing preferences for optimal returns.

The big winners in 2020 were in the Information Technology Sectors. This should surprise no one. Most of the returns achieved in the S&P 500 were in these sectors with companies like Apple and Facebook leading the pack.

 But Chapwood Investments does not believe in surface-level portfolio analysis and dives deep into what companies are performing well within the informational technology sector and which aren't worth the hype.

➡️  Looking forward to Investing in 2021! ⬅️

With decades of experience and BILLIONS of dollars managed in investments, portfolio management, and wealth-building Ed Butowsky of Chapwood Investments gets right to the point and lets you know where and how you should be investing in 2021.

➡️ About Chapwood Investments and Ed Butowsky ⬅️

For over 25 years  Ed Butowsky of Chapwood Investments has helped countless high net-worth clients bring clarity and understanding to their portfolio management by targeting specific rates of return to meet their long-term needs. 

In fact, Chapwood Investments was formed for one simple reason: To help clients understand and give perspective and knowledge of what they already have in their portfolios.

Most clients have no idea what it is that they own and what they should expect from what they own. So, Chapwood Investments was built to give people that knowledge. For more information, visit http://www.chapwoodinvestments.com.

➡️ Questions for Ed Butowsky or Chapwood Investments? ⬅️

If you have any comments or recommendations for subject matters on future videos you would like to see covered, please share them at [email protected].

➡️ Looking for more information? ⬅️

Consider adding Ed's book, Wealth Mismanagement, to your collection. It is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Visit http://www.wealthmismanagement.com for more information.

And be sure to subscribe to the channel and visit us at ChapwoodInvestments.com for more investment and wealth management news and information.