Ed Butowsky - After 30 years of being a financial advisor I have learned a few things. One of the most important lessons is that when everyone is complacent about risk, that is precisely the time investors need to double up on  protections. The market is priced for perfection and this is a huge red flag.

Ed Butowsky, managing partner of Chapwood Investments, LLC has the unique ability to recognize how current events affect investment portfolios.

For over 25 years, Ed Butowsky and the Chapwood Investments team have helped high net-worth clients by bringing clarity and understanding to their portfolios by targeting specific rates of return to meet their long-term needs. Chapwood Investments was formed for one simple reason: To help clients understand and give perspective and knowledge of what they already have in their portfolios.

Most clients have no idea what it is that they own and what they should expect from what they own. So, Chapwood Investments was built to give people that knowledge. For more information, visit http://www.chapwoodinvestments.com.

If you have any comments or recommendations for subject matters on future videos you would like to see covered, please share them at [email protected].

Please consider adding my book, Wealth Mismanagement, to your collection. It is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Visit http://www.wealthmismanagement.com for more information.

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