Wyoming and Montana are becoming greener. Learn from other parts of the country and these great states about the meaning of sustainability. Guests: From MONTANA at 9AM Mountain, join Lill Erickson, Executive Director, Western Sustainability Exchange. Their website is
www.westernsustainabilityexchange.org so check it out for more details about their work on the great plains. WYOMING: at 10AM Mountain, hear how the Bentwood Inn is greening its hotel. Find out more about them at www.trianglex.com >> Email us at [email protected], Tweet us at @vannShane, IM on GTalk @ vannShane or call-in your questions or comments to (347)996-3601. Sustainable 1000 radio is part of the Eco Road Trip started by Shane Snipes to explore 1000 stories of social change across 48 states in 250 days. Stop by Sustainable1000.com for videos and more chats with regular folks who are making the world a little better in their communities.