Come hear how Kentucky and West Virginia are building more sustainable businesses and communities. Guests: From KENTUCKY New Pioneers for a Sustainable Future's
Claire McGowan, Executive Director >>WEST VIRGINIA, Tomoko Tamagawa, Program Manager of The HUBWV >>> Email us show ideas or interview requests to [email protected], Tweet us at @vannShane, IM on GTalk @ vannShane or call-in your questions or comments to (347)996-3601. Sustainable 1000 radio is part of the eco road trip started by Shane Snipes to explore 1000 stories across 48 states in 250 days. Stop by for videos and more chats with regular folks who are making the world a little better in their communities. >>> More details: The West Virginia Community Development Hub is a statewide non-profit organization with the mission of engaging communities and providers in an intentional, aligned and continuous system of community development. >>> New Pioneers for a Sustainable Future is a community non-profit organization founded in Washington County in 2005
to promote sustainable thinking and sustainable development in order to ensure a healthy, safe, and prosperous future for all.