Listen in as experts from New York, Vermont, and Colorado talk about how sustainability is affecting business, building, Education, and the environment. Today's guests include: 9:00 AM EST Timothy E. Martinson, Ph. D./Senior Extension Associate, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Cornell University, And at 10:00 AM EST Rachel Hooper, Owner of The Bobbin, And at 10:30 EST Todd Parker, Attorney for climate change and natural resources from Delta Institute, Also at 9:00 AM MST Dawn Thilmany McFadden, Professor and Agribusiness Extension Economist, with Ag and Resource Economics, Colorado State University, At 09:30 am CST Kevin Baskins/Communications Bureau Chief Iowa department of Natural Resources,
Look here for updates on our guests each week. >>> Email us your questions for the guests to [email protected], Tweet us at @sustainable1000, IM on Gtalk @ vannShane or call-in your questions or comments to (347)996-3601. Sustainable 1000 Radio is part of the eco road trip to explore 1000 stories across 48 American states in 222 days. Stop by for hundreds of other thought provoking videos or listen to more interviews here on our Blog Talk Radio station.