Dr Jonathan D. T. Ward discusses his new book “The Decisive Decade: American Grand Strategy for Triumph Over China” with show host Gene Tunny. Dr Ward argues the US should adopt “a two-pronged strategy of economic containment toward China alongside the revitalization and evolution of American industrial and technological power.” Dr. Ward is an internationally recognized expert on Chinese global strategy and U.S.-China competition. He earned his PhD in China-India relations at Oxford and his undergraduate degree at Columbia, where he studied the Russian and Chinese languages. Dr Ward is the founder of the Washington DC-based Atlas Organization, which provides strategic advice on US-China competition to businesses and government agencies. 

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What’s covered in EP182How Dr Ward’s new book The Decisive Decade picks up where his previous book China’s Vision of Victory left off [2:02]What’s the actual concern with China at the moment? [5:20]What does economic containment mean? [9:40]Dr Ward proposes to restructure the world economy in favour of the democracies and against China [14:18]Is China such a threat that we should sacrifice our economic gains from trading with China? [19:25]China’s economic development has allowed it invest large amounts in its military [23:18]Western companies and forced labour supply chains in China [26:51]Dr. Ward’s final observations on China [33:24]Links relevant to the conversation

Dr Jonathan D T Ward’s bio is available from the Atlas Organization’s website:


Jonathan’s book The Decisive Decade: America's Grand Strategy for Triumph Over China: 


This may be the Ben Franklin quote Dr Ward had in mind: “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety”:


Related previous podcast episodes:

China, Taiwan & the Indo-Pacific w/ Dr Greta Nabbs-Keller – EP146 – Economics Explored

How to Defeat the Dictators w/ Charles Dunst, Asia Group – EP180 – Economics Explored


Thanks to Obsidian Productions for mixing the episode and to the show’s sponsor, Gene’s consultancy business www.adepteconomics.com.au

Full transcripts are available a few days after the episode is first published at www.economicsexplored.com. Economics Explored is available via Apple Podcasts, Google Podcast, and other podcasting platforms.