This episode examines the need for tax reform in Australia and reviews various options for overhauling the country's tax system. Simon Cowan joins host Gene Tunny from the Centre for Independent Studies to discuss issues like bracket creep, the tax system's progressivity, mining royalties, and negative gearing. They also analyse the political strategies around the stage three tax cuts and how expenditure reform, including controlling the growth of programs like the NDIS, is needed to reduce the tax burden. Cowan argues the tax system has become too reliant on income tax and higher-income individuals. 

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About this episode’s guest Simon Cowan

Simon Cowan is Research Director at the CIS. He is a leading commentator on policy and politics, with a regular column in the Canberra Times newspaper, frequent interviews on Sky and the ABC, and multiple appearances before parliamentary committees discussing the budget, citizenship, taxation and health policy. He has written extensively on government spending and fiscal policy, with a specific focus on welfare and superannuation policy. He earlier work focused on government industry policy, defence and regulation.

What’s covered in EP228Australian tax system overhaul and cost of living relief. (0:04)Tax bracket creep and its impact on income. (5:14)Tax system and progressivity. (9:44)Tax cuts and political strategy in Australia. (15:29)Tax system in Australia, income tax reliance, and potential changes. (21:13)Taxation, welfare, and the burden on working-age population. (26:02)Tax reform and its challenges in Australia. (31:03)Taxation and resource extraction in Australia. (38:05)Australian tax system and potential reforms. (45:42)Takeaways

1. Australia's tax system has become overly reliant on income tax and needs to diversify its revenue sources.
2. Bracket creep is a real problem that has not been adequately addressed, particularly for higher-income earners.
3. Both major political parties have taken cynical, short-term positions on tax reforms that are not in the community's best interests.
4. Expenditure reform, including controlling the growth of programs like the NDIS, is needed to reduce the tax burden.
5. Lowering company taxes could boost business investment and economic growth in Australia.

Links relevant to the conversation

Simon’s article on the stage 3 tax cuts:

AFR article (pay-walled) “Royalty hike and IR overhaul threaten critical mineral pipeline: BHP”:

QLD Government announcement on coal royalty hike:

Grattan Institute’s view on tax reform:

Thanks to Obsidian Productions for mixing the episode and to the show’s sponsor, Gene’s consultancy business

Full transcripts are available a few days after the episode is first published at