This episode’s guest is Rebecca Archer, Director of Connect Media Training. Australian listeners may know Rebecca as Rebecca Hyam, former ABC finance reporter. Rebecca still works on a casual basis at ABC Brisbane in addition to running her media training company. Of course, views expressed in this podcast are Rebecca’s personal views, and should not necessarily be attributed to the ABC. As well as working for Australia’s national broadcaster, Rebecca has worked for the original public broadcaster, the BBC. 

Use these timestamps to jump right into Gene and Rebecca’s conversation:

2:15 – how the media industry has changed over the last 20 years4:45 – entry of NYT and the Guardian into the Australian market, as well as the rise of citizen journalists and bloggers6:20 – while only twenty years ago Rebecca was lugging around a Marantz tape recorder, she can now use an iPhone to record interviews9:50 – how the internet and social media have undermined the traditional business models of media organisations, and how Twitter is where breaking news now occurs (e.g. important updates from emergency services)12:25 – Nine-Fairfax merger as response to how difficult it is to make money in traditional media these days, followed by observation people are able to bypass traditional media and get news directly from sources via Twitter or Facebook15:05 – Gene refers to Centre for Media Transition report for the ACCC which discusses news as a public good20:00 – how newspapers have lost the “rivers of gold” which were classifieds advertising revenues, and how some media organisations have taken strong ideological positions to attract an audience23:00 – how media organisations can thrive: create content people can relate to, don’t be highbrow, and use social media to add value (e.g. Facebook Live discussion regarding a 60 Minutes story)29:00 – whether quality journalism has been compromised by digital disruption32:10 – polarisation and filter bubbles38:20 – whether journalism remains a good career41.30 – journalists as story tellers (Gene mentions Cal Fussman’s outstanding podcast Big Questions)45:10 – the role of public broadcasters such as the ABC and BBC in this age of digital disruption

Gene and Rebecca’s conversation was recorded on 26 November 2019 in the Adept Economics office at the Johnson, Spring Hill, Brisbane, using a Zoom H4n Pro digital recorder and Shure SM58 microphones.