The Foundation for Economic Education’s Dan Sanchez argues that the invisible hand is a legitimate economic concept and not a religious or mystical one, as some critics of economics claim. Dan and show host Gene Tunny discuss the efficient organization of economic activities by the market mechanism in a decentralized way, without the need for a central planner. The conversation turns to TikTok and economic engagement with China. 

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What’s covered in EP185Introduction to this episode [0:06]Dan’s article on the “invisible hand” [2:06]The production of a pencil is like an orchestra without a conductor [5:25]Is the invisible hand the hand of God? [8:34]What is the problem with central planning? [12:27]Central planners don’t like the idea of economic laws because they circumscribe their utopian dreams [15:45]Dan’s views on big tech [19:23]Is there a case for regulation or a ban on TikTok? [23:32]Links relevant to the conversation

Dan’s bio:

Dan’s Twitter handle: @DanSanchezV

Dan’s article on “How Atheist Anti-Capitalists miss the point”:

Von Mises book on the economic calculation problem

Article about problems with Soviet shoe production:

Bio of 19th century British free trade advocate Richard Cobden who Dan mentions:

Thanks to Obsidian Productions for mixing the episode and to the show’s sponsor, Gene’s consultancy business

Full transcripts are available a few days after the episode is first published at Economics Explored is available via Apple Podcasts, Google Podcast, and other podcasting platforms.