Economics Explained host Gene Tunny speaks about one of his favourite books, Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, with Tim Hughes, a Brisbane-based businessman (Urban Ergo). Gene speaks about how he sees the lessons applying to economists. 

A 30th anniversary edition of the 7 Habits was published this year.

Links related to the discussion include:

Art of Manliness episode on 30th anniversary of the 7 Habits

Paul Frijters on coronavirus

Who pays Trump's tariffs, China or U.S. customers and companies?

Ralph Turvey on how to estimate marginal costs

Brian Tracy's Eat that Frog

The 7 habits of highly effective economists – Part 1: Habits 1 to 3 for private victory

The 7 habits of highly effective economists Part 2 – Habits 4 to 7: Public victory & renewal habits