Professor Allen Morrison has been studying China for over three decades and he’s an expert on the Enterprise China model, the close relationship between business and state in China. Chinese companies take the lead from Beijing to help meet state objectives, including reduced dependency on the west. In return they get competitive advantages over western businesses trying to break into China. In this episode, Prof. Morrison, from the Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University, talks to show host Gene Tunny about his new book with INSEAD’s Prof. Stewart Black on Enterprise China. 

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What we discuss with Prof. MorrisonHow the business model in China differs from the model in the west [01:50]How the Chinese Communist Party oversees businesses in China [10:20]What western businesses need to know when doing business in China [12:40]Does China have an imperial ambition? [17:28] Companies which have done well and those which have done badly in China [22:29]Challenges to the Enterprise China model and the CCP [27:48]Gene’s takeaways from the episode [39:30]About this episode’s guest: Allen Morrison

Allen J. Morrison is professor in the Thunderbird School of Global Management. Morrison previously served as CEO and director-general, senior advisor for global management education and executive education initiatives at Arizona State University. Before joining ASU in 2014, Morrison was professor of global management and the holder of the Kristian Gerhard Jebsen Chair for Responsible Leadership in the Maritime Industry at IMD. Professor Morrison was also director of the IMD Global CEO Center, which focuses on the challenges CEOs face while leading their companies in the global economy.

For further information about Prof. Morrison, check out his ASU page:

Links relevant to the conversation

Get a copy of Enterprise China: Adopting a Competitive Strategy for Business Success:

Prof. Morrison’s article “Competing with “Enterprise China” vs. Chinese Enterprises” on the Thunderbird School of Global Management website:

William Kirby’s HBR article “The real reason Uber is giving up in China”:


Thanks to Obsidian Productions for mixing the episode and to the show’s sponsor, Gene’s consultancy business Economics Explored is available via  Apple Podcasts, Google Podcast, and other podcasting platforms.