The Casual Viewer's Guide to the Three Act Structure with The Matrix, Star Wars, and Raiders of the Lost Ark + Marvel NOW!, Minority Report, and The 5th Element

Radio Free Echo Rift is a pirate broadcast transmitted from a secret location deep beneath the city of Philadelphia. Don and Mike discuss comics, movies, and the comics that they make based on what they see in the mysterious Echo Rift. New Episodes every Wednesday and most Fridays.

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Episode 22 - Acts of Neo

00:36 - Introduction
02:22 - Voicemail: Minority Report and Fifth Element. Mike and Don judge.
08:22 - Letter: Marvel NOW!
11:15 - All New X-Men - Bendis and Bringing New Readers in
13:19 - Preparing to Reboot Disney's The Black Hole
10:04 - The Casual Viewer's Guide to the Three Act Structure
16:40 - Examples: The Matrix, Star Wars, and Raiders of the Lost Ark
17:42 - Act I - Setup, Opportunity, New Situation, Change of Plans/Clear Visible Goal
22:33 - Act II - Progress, Point of No Return, Complications and Higher Stakes, Lowest Point
26:06 - Act III - Final Push, Climax, Aftermath
29:08 - Go watch The Black Hole, we Reboot on Friday, live on the air!
29:27 - Outro.

Call-in number: 856-208-RIFT

Letters: [email protected]

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