Amazing Spider-Man 692, The Origin of Alpha, What Makes a Great Origin Story + The Origin of @Don_Garvey


Radio Free Echo Rift is a pirate broadcast transmitted from a secret location deep beneath the city of Philadelphia. Don and Mike discuss comics, movies, and the comics that they make based on what they see in the mysterious Echo Rift. New Episodes every Wednesday and most Fridays.

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Episode 20 - Origins I

00:34 Intro
02:13 Letter from a Return Customer
03:19 The Origin of @Don_Garvey
11:33 Amazing Spider-Man #692 (Dan Slott / Humberto Ramos)
12:10 Meet Andy Maguire
13:15 Alpha Origin compared to Spider-Man
15:49 What Makes Great Origin Stories?
18:10 Tragedy
19:59 Rules
20:30 Alpha needs a Father
24:10 Fish out of Water/Other Origin
26:38 Thirst for Justice
28:39 Expect a Humbling for Alpha
29:08 Outro

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