Taking in the sci-fi majesty that is Jonathan Hickman's Avengers from Marvel Now!

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The Radio Free Echo Rift podcast is your twice weekly resource for comics, movies, TV, and book reviews.  

This pirate pop-culture podcast is brought to you from deep beneath the city of Philadelphia!  We have thirty minutes to record each episode - if we were ever caught, we'd be atomized for sure!


00:25 - Avengers World, They Should Have Called it Avengers The Movie 2, Merging the Two
04:08 - A threat too big for the Avengers to handle, Menace in the air, Capable Leaders
10:07 - Avengers Prime Beat, Ex Nihlo, Abyss, Aleph
13:30 - The Expanded Avengers Team, Hyperion, Smasher, Captain Universe
18:30 - The Right Team for the job, Quickly Subduing the Problem, The Legend that Grew in the Telling
25:28 - Letters: Getting Taken to the Woodshed over Wonder Woman


Avengers Vol 1L Avengers World (Pre-Order) is published by Marvel Comics and is also available from ComiXology

Written by: Jonathan Hickman
Art by: Jerome Opena
Color Artist: Dean White

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Music for the Radio Free Echo Rift Podcast is provided by Home At Last, show them love by liking HAL on Facebook!

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