Discussing the Doctor Who 2012 Christmas Special: The Snowmen plus the All-Star Superman animated movie and some letters!

Radio Free Echo Rift is your the twice weekly Pirate Pop Culture Podcast brought to you from Deep Beneath the City of Philadelphia! We have thirty minutes to record each episode here in the confines of the Waiting Room - the only place our evil overlords, the Researchers, can’t monitor our activities. If we were ever caught, we’d be atomized for sure!

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Download Episode 60: All-Star Snowmen

00:30 - Intro
01:21 - Voicemail Bunch of Questions about Indentured Servants
05:09 - All-Star Superman Animated Movie - Fell Flat
06:19 - Adaptations are difficult things
08:07 - Series of stories that don't feel related
11:13 - Anytime you're ready, present the Clear Visible Goal
12:37 - Maybe if we had read All-Star Superman we'd have felt different
13:26 - Doctor Who 2012 Christmas Special: The Snowmen
15:25 - The Doctor is Alone and Kind of Bummed
16:45 - Dr. Simeon and the Great Intelligence
18:12 - A very magical episode - fantastic and whimsical
19:25 - Clara Oswin Oswald - Introducing a Companion
21:20 - The Doctor's Romantic Relationships in New Who
25:03 - The Question: "Doctor Who?"
26:36 - Kicking off the 50th Anniversary Season
28:09 - The Snowmen Makes for a Good Jumping on Point
29:21 - Outro!

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