A full hour with our esteemed guest Dale_A from the Paperkeg and The Flap Podcasts!  We're talking hiatus, Disney Star Wars, and DC Comics' The Dark Knight Returns Part 1 animated feature PLUS we're debuting our new custom made intro and outro music thanks to Home At Last!

Be sure to check out our comic, Hurry The Rabbitoid Knight: Prelude to Epilogue!

Radio Free Echo Rift is your the twice weekly Pirate Pop Culture Podcast brought to you from Deep Beneath the City of Philadelphia! We have thirty minutes to record each episode here in the confines of the Waiting Room - the only place our evil overlords, the Researchers, can’t monitor our activities. If we were ever caught, we’d be atomized for sure!

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Download Episode 42: The Dark Knight Underscorea

Episode 42: The Dark Knight Underscorea

00:35 - Intro

01:04 - Amazing New Music by Home At Last

01:38 - Introducing our special guest - Dale_A

08:47 - Caller - Phantasm Reaction

11:41 - Paperkeg Catch-up and The Flap

14:24 - Disney and Star Wars Discussion Begins

15:26 - Ongoing Disney Movies

22:18 - Luke/Leia/Han Solo?

25:41 - Dale_A: a Second Generation Star Wars Fan

29:20 - Event Movies, the Temporaryness of Things

32:30 - The Dark Horse Situation/Marvel Star Wars

39:10 - Star Wars Themepark/Disney Stores

41:48 - DC Comics The Dark Knight Returns Part 1 Animated Feature

45:27 - Bleak

50:47 - Adapting a comic for film

53:10 - Reflecting Frank Miller's Skepticisms

54:20 - Robin

59:06 - The Human Batter Evaporates - Outro 

Call-in number: 856-208-RIFT

Letters: [email protected]

Follow @echorift for podcast and comic updates

Follow @Don_Garvey and @Connelly_Mike and our Special Guest @Dale_a

Music for the Radio Free Echo Rift Podcast is provided by Home At Last, show them love by liking HAL on Facebook!

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