Today we sink our teeth into the New 52 flagship book: Justice League Volume 1 by Geoff Johns and Jim Lee.  We also take calls and letters about various subjects such as Kids Comics, Superhero movies, the Doctor Who/Star Trek crossover from IDW, and painted comics.

Radio Free Echo Rift is a pirate broadcast transmitted from a secret location deep beneath the city of Philadelphia. Don and Mike discuss comics, movies, and the comics that they make based on what they see in the mysterious Echo Rift. New Episodes every Wednesday and most Fridays.

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Episode 25 - Lockdown

00:36 - Intro
01:47 - Don and Mike Talk at Once
01:57 - Letter: Death/Violence and Kids Comics
09:24 - Caller: Are Superhero Movies misleading about comics?
13:45 - Letter: Doctor Who/Star Trek and Painted Comics
16:20 - Intro to Justice League Vol 1 Geoff Johns/Jim Lee
18:55 - Justice League Reads better as a Trade
19:48 - Comparison to Avengers Movie
20:27 - "And it's funny!" - The Characters
23:38 - Batman/Green Lantern Storyline Symmetry
25:08 - Strength of Darkseid as a Villian
26:44 - Vic Stone/Cyborg Family Problems
28:00 - Superman is downright scary
28:57 - Jim Lee's Art and great colors
29:15 - Outro

Call-in number: 856-208-RIFT

Letters: [email protected]

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