The Echoes of KFest video podcast recalls Bite The Bag 2010, a traditional contest at KFest.

The post Bite the Bag 2010 first appeared on KansasFest.

Bite the Bag is a party game that is also a KansasFest tradition. Long absent from our convention, Geoff Weiss gave this game its Rockhurst debut when he put it on the KansasFest 2010 schedule. Many dared and many fell in this battle of balance.

Recorded on 7/21/2010 by Ken Gagne and made available by KansasFest, Inc., under an Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC 3.0) Creative Commons license.

The post Bite the Bag 2010 first appeared on KansasFest.