Have you ever experienced the “fully loaded Cadillac” of the nut world before?

Alex Willson of Sunnyland Farms and his family have built their business upon selling just that since 1948. Their high-quality nuts, dried fruits, and gifts have been transforming chefs creations, office gifts, and the kitchens of home bakers for 3 generations.

To do this, they’ve had to separate themselves from the pack. With nuts, competition is everywhere: every grocery, Walmart, and corner store sells them. Yet as Alex explains, Sunnyland has been able to differentiate themselves in two critical ways, and it’s made all the difference.

This episode is chock full of insight and inspiration for pastry and savory chefs alike, as well as any farmer or producer wondering how to differentiate and grow their business and margins in commodity-driven industries.

Listen in to find out what’s shaking at Sunnyland Farms, learn more at www.Sunnylandfarms.com, and follow them on social media @sunnylandfarms.