Eating For Free is a bi-weekly gossip podcast reporting from the edge of the internet! We're a new wave of celebrity reporters at a time when pop culture is increasingly chaotic and media lacks the ability or moral direction to make sense of this capitalist nightmare!

You can find us on our websiteTwitter, and Instagram. For behind-the-scenes gossip and access, join our exclusive Facebook group: Girls & Gays (G.A.G.S.)

Do you have a tip for us? Want to leave some feedback? Need to get any questions off your chest? Send us an email at [email protected]!

Joan Summers: Twitter, Instagram, Email. Matthew Lawson: Twitter, Instagram


Sect vows to stop "evil tide sweeping mankind to catastrophe" South China Morning Post/April 26, 1999 The traditional Chinese dance troupe China doesn’t want you to see (Guardian) Facts about the So-called "Shen Yun" Performance by the "Falun Gong" Chinese Embassy Key dates in emergence of China's banned Falungong movement (Cult Education) AFP/January 23, 2001 Teachings of Falun Gong  Is Falun Gong a cult? January, 2009, By Rick Ross China: Whether the self-immolations of 23 January 2001 in Tiananmen Square were a fabrication; if so, who is making the allegations and based on what evidence (2001 to November 2004) Research Directorate, Immigration and Refugee Board, Ottawa "Falun Gong: homophobic mind control cult" San Francisco Sentinal - Letter to the Editor/January 27, 2006, By Samuel Luo Sect vows to stop "evil tide sweeping mankind to catastrophe" South China Morning Post/April 26, 1999 White House Reviews Incident Involving Epoch Times Photographer (Washington Post) A Chinese Battle on U.S. Soil (Cult Education Institute) Falun Gong (Cult Education Institute) Who is Li Hongzhi? (Cult Education Institute) Interview with Li Hongzhi (Cult Education Institute) Group Says 2,000 Arrested in China (Cult Education Institute) Endgame for the Falun Gong? (Cult Education Institute)

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