🎉 This week on the Eating at a Meeting Podcast, I'm thrilled to bring you Joshua House from the JDK Group, who I chatted with on the bustling floors of Catering Source in Austin, Texas. With a solid six-year track record in catering following his intense years in the restaurant scene, Joshua brings a fresh and enlightened perspective to the art of food presentation and culinary aesthetics. 🍽️✨

We dive deep into the philosophy that "we eat with our eyes first," exploring how Joshua's experiences and artistic approach enhance every dish he crafts. He shares his transition from the fast-paced restaurant world to the creatively fulfilling realm of catering, where even a 12-hour shift becomes a canvas for innovation. 🎨👨‍🍳

Listen as Joshua enlightens us about incorporating restaurant-quality presentations into large-scale catering, leveraging negative space and vibrant colors to transform plates into visual feasts. We also touch on the evolution of catering to accommodate dietary preferences and the importance of inclusivity in menu planning, ensuring each guest enjoys a memorable dining experience regardless of their dietary needs. 🌱🍖

From fascinating dialogues on using unconventional ingredients to make vegan dishes shine, to the role of chefs in guiding client choices while respecting their wishes, this episode is packed with insights that food enthusiasts and industry professionals will not want to miss. 🌟

📚 Learn how Joshua and his team at the JDK Group tackle the challenges of catering, pushing culinary boundaries, and ensuring safety, sustainability, and inclusion in every event they cater.

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