This week Simon and Martina checked out a nearby neighbourhood, Koenji, and they discovered a grungy, seedier - but amazing - side to Japan. They found a bar that had a lot of penis statues on the outside, but when they went inside they had the best night ever! Simon says it was his favourite night in Tokyo so far. It was about the size of a big walk-in closet (so, tiny). The lady running it was 81 years old and the lady serving them was 87 years old. They drank a lot with the elderly locals, who were nailing life. They ended up busting out an impromptu sing-along of some old-school songs with everyone in the bar. They had incredibly delicious food, and it was sooo cheap. This place wasn't on a map, and there was no info online. The duo recommend, when you travel, to go exploring and find places that aren't necessarily the most popular online, or the most highly recommended; that's when you have the most memorable experiences.