Cultural appropriation:

- Vogue magazine cover featuring models of many nationalities (now dubbed the ‘Diversity' issue)

-  Karlie Kloss' outfit was inspired by the  geisha culture

- Causing controversy online

- Online outrage is calling it ‘yellow face’ and cultural appropriation

- Simon and Martina don't agree

- Karlie kloss has apologised

- Simon and Martina say it's not her fault and it's not a bad thing

Fake News/Click Bail (and nuclear reactors)

- Fukishima nuclear plant radiation level apparently highest it's ever been, but that's fake news

-  It’s had the highest reading ever, but it's not at the highest level of radiation ever (they’ve finally managed to get a probe into the centre of the reactor, which has never been read before)

- Most things in the news today are written as 'click bait'; not researched or properly written.  No accountability.

- YouTuber PewDiePie (who has over 50 million subscribers) was a victim of bad journalism. Headlines were published saying he was anti-Semitic, but he’s not

- Simon and Martina had similar problems when they reviewed face masks

- Long story short: always research and find sources to backup what you’re reading.