For this episode I am speaking with John Krueger from Circle Brook Farm located in Andover, New Jersey.  John and I have known each other for almost 10 years.  Every summer Circle Brook provides my food cooperative, Farm & Fork Society, with an amazing variety of seasonal vegetables.  John’s farm is a diversified, certified organic,...

Circle Brook Farm

For this episode I am speaking with John Krueger from Circle Brook Farm located in Andover, New Jersey.  John and I have known each other for almost 10 years.  Every summer Circle Brook provides my food cooperative, Farm & Fork Society, with an amazing variety of seasonal vegetables.  John’s farm is a diversified, certified organic, vegetable farm. He grows almost every type of produce possible in our New Jersey climate. 

John specializes in heirloom varieties and even finds exotic varieties on his yearly trips to South and Central America and grows them for our members. His core business is as a CSA farmer (Commuity Supported Agriculture).  CSA members prepay for their produce prior to the growing season starts and become shareholders in the farm.

Over the years, John has seen many financial ups and downs due to the CSA model, and also had many hard times due to climate change. However, COVID-19 is hitting him harder than anything he has faced in the past. Farming is hard business, his fortitude and strength is amazing in these, most challenging of times.

As you listen, think about ALL the farmers out there that face challenges and be grateful to them everyday to provide us with food on our table.

Please take the time to see if there is a CSA in your area. By joining a CSA you will get a consistent source of wholesome, nutritious food weekly and you will be helping out local farmers. 

We are all a community and just like the doctors and nurses that are on the front line of this pandemic so are the farmers. They are our lifeline.

Circle Brook Farm

Links to Circle Brook Farm’s social media and other items mentioned in the interview.

Mini documentary about Circle Brook Farm created by Farm & Fork Society:

Facebook @circlebrookfarm

Instagram @circlebrookfarm

Rachel Carlson’s Silent Spring

Find a CSA at Local Harvest:

Farm & Fork Society:

Help out John Krueger at Circle Brook Farm by volunteering to work at the farm:

Donate to Farm & Fork Society’s fresh produce fundraiser help both Circle Brook Farm and MEND NJ food pantries.

Show Credits:

This episode was hosted by Melissa Goldberg

Special thanks to my Program Director and Producer Shea Gunther

You can learn more about me at

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