On this Snack Size edition of Eat! Drink! Smoke! Tony Katz talks with Fingers Malloy and April D. Gregory about government regulations. Are they necessary, no, or where is the line drawn? Are we responsible for our own choice of healthcare provider?
Also, Chick-fil-A remains tried and true with the possible addition of mac & cheese to their already perfect menu line-up.
And why does everyone freak out about Daylight Saving Time?

On this Snack Size edition of Eat! Drink! Smoke! Tony Katz talks with Fingers Malloy and April D. Gregory about government regulations. Are they necessary, no, or where is the line drawn? Are we responsible for our own choice of healthcare provider?

Also, Chick-fil-A remains tried and true with the possible addition of mac & cheese to their already perfect menu line-up.

And why does everyone freak out about Daylight Saving Time?