Many people have gone or plan to go somewhere to seek deeper connection and enlightenment. But what are the dangers to be conscious of before taking such a trip? Today’s guest is Caroline Slaughter. Caroline is a filmmaker and global voiceover talent. Most recently, she was supervising producer on Racket: Inside the Gold Club which is ranked as one of 2020’s top true crime podcasts. Caroline’s multifaceted experience in the entertainment industry has prepared her for the role of curating auditory stories to provoke, impact, and entertain. She is the host of the popular Astray Podcast where she investigates those who pay the ultimate cost in search for spiritual awakening.

Show Notes: [1:00] - Caroline shares how and why she started her Astray podcast. [2:41] - There’s an idea that this happens in India, but Caroline points out that people seek out enlightenment all over the world. [4:00] - During a difficult time, Caroline chose to go to Bali. She was prepared but a lot of people don’t go in with a plan. [6:18] - There seems to be a draw to Asian countries for this and Caroline suggests some reasons why. [7:19] - Caroline briefly tells the story of a guest on Astray Podcast who had a breakdown while on his journey and would have disappeared without his parents. [8:50] - The biggest problem is that many people who fall victim to scams and traps are looking outside themselves for answers.  [10:22] - Caroline did some research on some of the reasons that could have caused psychotic breakdowns through drugs. [11:31] - Some who experience a psychotic break while on this quest for enlightenment, feel that it was meant to happen for their experience. [12:50] - People want a fast track to spirituality and it can be addictive. [14:40] - Mental illness plays a role in the need for a fast track to spirituality. [15:37] - Caroline defines and explains India Syndrome. [17:02] - Caroline tells the story of The Beatles seeking enlightenment and a theory surrounding John Lennon never leaving the place of trauma. [18:44] - India Syndrome can put you in a very fragile state if you don’t go prepared. [19:52] - We tend to let our guard down because of the authority the spiritual guides hold over us. [21:32] - You have to trust your inner guidance especially when you look outside yourself for guidance. [22:40] - It is tricky to vet the guides in other countries. It is easier to do in the United States; to find others who have worked with them. [23:55] - This industry is massive and brings in billions of dollars a year. [24:32] - Caroline explains why she thinks the industry needs to be regulated. [25:44] - Going with a buddy is key and bouncing ideas and plans off of friends is important to keep up the voice of reason. [27:42] - Don’t make major decisions when experiencing grief or trauma. [29:01] - We give away our own power when we hit rock bottom. [30:45] - There are tragic stories that Caroline shares through Astray of people who have vanished or been killed. [32:17] - The problem is not India Syndrome, it is “Seeker Syndrome.” [33:26] - What do you sacrifice for the risks you take? [35:18] - When seeing those traveling in a new country, there are those who will prey on someone new and unfamiliar.

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