Many years ago, people chose to stay with the same employer for decades. Today, employees are changing jobs more regularly. Each company needs to have processes in place allowing access to systems needed to do their jobs, but there’s also a risk of when they leave that they may still have access to certain programs. 

Today’s guest is Craig Davies. Craig started in banking, holding many roles including CSO. As the CISO and the Executive Director of Gathid Ltd., he is passionate about helping organizations strengthen access management without completely overhauling their people, processes, physical infrastructure, and technology. Craig has spent more than 25 years in cybersecurity working with infrastructure operations, security architecture and software, web development and operations. He was the first CEO of Ost Cyber and at Atlassian he helped develop the security program for all aspects of their business, including security, cloud operations and protection.

Show Notes: [1:32] - Craig shares his background and what his roles are at Gathid. [4:52] - When bringing on new employees, there are several front-end issues that a company and employee can face. [6:22] - It can be really frustrating for a new employee when there are so many different programs to learn and manage. [8:18] - We have to think about the employee’s journey. [10:59] - In many cases, new employees receive a ton of access without learning the process during onboarding. [11:49] - Offboarding can be a nightmare because we don’t always think about all the things that are connected. [15:26] - We need to protect the person who is leaving. [18:06] - One of the challenges is knowing who should be responsible. [19:12] - There needs to be a list of all the programs and systems that an employee may have access to. [21:17] - Offboarding is not typically a priority but not focusing on it can be a huge risk. [24:43] - Smart use of control is important especially in onboarding and offboarding. [27:26] - Working remotely makes systems and access even trickier. [29:39] - There is a reason the large companies have large systems. [31:50] - Every company has the same problems. The ones that have a process in place have likely experienced a crisis. [34:57] - What are the challenges to the new ways of working post-pandemic? [36:26] - You can’t get rid of risk, but you can manage it. [44:50] - These processes all start with a conversation.

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