Angad, software developer at Easy Agile, is joined by Riz Hasan and William Rojas from Adaptavist.

Riz is a Consulting Team Lead at Adaptavist. Riz works with agile teams and enterprise organizations to strategize, design,  and ultimately deliver on complex change management projects around technology and process. Riz believes the right attitude and approach to adopting new technology and continuous process improvement and learning is the key to organizational success and productivity. Most importantly, a positive and supportive work culture for teams. 


William is a Principal Re-sales Consultant at Adaptavist with a proven track record of leading 

and defining transformation initiatives across all ALM areas during the past 20 years. He has 

coached numerous teams through the people/process/tools challenges inherent in business 

transformations aiming to ‘go lean agile’. William has helped organizations launch agile 

adoption initiatives, starting at team level Scrum adoption through agile at scale frameworks

such as SAFe and DaD. 

Angad, Riz and William are sharing their thoughts and opinions on what you need to be doing  to enable a high performing agile team to thrive in our new world of hybrid working.