Backcountry Nutrition - How to personalize your nutrition planning and get the most out of your outdoor adventures With Special Guest Kyle Kamp, founder of Valley to Peak Nutrition (V2P Nutrition)

This week our friend Kyle Kamp, Founder of V2P Nutrition, joins us to answer our questions about the fundamentals of backcountry nutrition planning.

Are you someone who plans for months or years for that special western hunt? As Easterners, many of us spend our hard-earned money and time dreaming about those all too rare western hunts. When we finally get there, being in shape and having a solid meal plan that balances weight, fuel, and nutrition to keep us on the mountain is critical.

Kyle Kamp is a registered and licensed Dietitian from Idaho who founded V2P Nutrition to help average people like us fulfill our outdoor dreams through personalized nutrition planning and practical advice.

Kyle walks us through important topics like:

year round nutrition planning personalizing a nutrition plan - creating something that works for you transitioning during the weeks leading up to a trip meal planning during a trip tips for long term success caloric fuel and carbohydrate requirements for high intensity mountain hunting - think Goldfish! nutrition considerations as hunters go from their 20s and 30s into their 40s and beyond LINKS

Check out V2P Nutrition's website by clicking HERE

Visit the Tailwind Nutrition Endurance Fuel website by clicking HERE

Read Jeff Jones' Backcountry Meal Trials blog Part 1 on our website HERE



