ESWS 133 - My Sassy Hobbit

Podcast episode 133 ES: LOVE IN TIME [等我愛你], MY SASSY HUBBY [我老婆唔夠秤2 我老公唔生性] WS:THE HOBBIT Video: n/a

After a holiday hiatus, the show returns and we catch up with two Hong Kong films. Up first is LOVE IN TIME [等我愛你] the latest from TVB idol Bosco Wong and the ever adorable Stephy Tang. Then after a decade of waiting, a sequel to MY WIFE IS 18 is finally before us entitled MY SASSY HUBBY [我老婆唔夠秤2 我老公唔生性]]. And from sequel to a prequel, we hop over to the Shire for a look at the first installment of THE HOBBIT.

We also discuss news about Jackie Chan, Iron Man 3 and a bit of trailer talk.

Show notes and details can be found at our main website.

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