Online and Aligned Branding and Marketing for Creatives


Megan Kuhar, creative brand coach and host of the podcast Creative Brand Sessions, empowers creative entrepreneurs to step into their true potential and make an impact with their brand and business online. Her coaching is grounded in the belief that creatives can stay authentic and aligned while also employing savvy and accessible marketing strategies.


In this episode you will hear:

The importance of impacting the world with your creativity.
Align with your authenticity and put your art/music/coaching and healing practice into the world.
Discovering your brand is the same as discovering yourself.
Overcoming the starving artist and scarcity archetype with help from a coach.
Aligned marketing is not evil or phony!
What’s the point of creating if we don’t share it?
If you can market yourself authentically why wouldn’t you?
Every person makes an impact, why not do it consciously?
Connecting with your worthiness and getting paid what your worth.
How chasing the million-dollar idea didn’t work and what did.
Creative and spiritual energy stream from the same source.
Are you afraid of being present, are you hiding?
How a coach can change your life and find your own success.
To be aligned online, identity your brand, create a consistent visual presence, and create a thoughtful marketing plan that says “I’m worthy.”



Megan is happy to offer Free Mini-Sessions to the audience! These can be booked at


She also has a free Phony-Free Marketing Guide, which can be downloaded at