Karen Hanson is the founder and executive director of Girls for the World. Girls for the World is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the growth, development, and empowerment of girls. From the most impoverished to the wealthiest, girls need to find their power and become forces for change in the world. She works with women to develop their intuition, connect with their inner guidance, and create a passionate spiritual and powerful life. Karen travels the world to help young women find their voice. She's conducted successful workshops and programs in Africa, Haiti, India, Peru and the United States.


Topics discussed:

The Circle: where mothers, grandmothers, and daughters share, listen, and support each other.
Teaching girls to protect, respect and trust themselves. Girls in the most impoverished conditions, from families that live in the garbage dumps, with no running clean water, and no food, and who may be abducted into sex trafficking at any moment.
Asking three important questions: Who are you? Where are you in relationships? Who are you in the world?

4.Trusting the Divine Imagination.

Asking for guidance and then listening and responding.
Overwhelming passion and how it changes everything in your life.
Teaching girls what I taught my own daughters.
Learning to sew menstrual pads as a path to becoming a professional seamstress.
The success of the circle over 10 years: The girls have grown up, gone to college, found livelihoods that lifted them out of poverty.
During the Corona virus shutdown in India, Girls for the World funded a month’s worth of food for over 200 families.


Learn more and make donations here: https://girlsfortheworld.org/connect/