Mary Ann Robbat, master energy healer, life coach, and founder of The Center for Lifelong Happiness and the Robbat Center for the Advancement of Healing Energy. Mary Ann brings a unique combination of coaching and energy healing to assist individuals to identify and celebrate timelines for living the life they really desire. She has been transforming lives for more than 20 years with her gift for knowing exactly where limiting beliefs or emotionally charges issues or stuck energy are creating blocks that hold individuals back from success, happiness and the life they want.

Topics Include:

Invocation, Grounding, and Gathering Energy
The journey from corporate America to healer, teacher, sage early on in the New Age movement.
Recognizing when a cycle is complete and moving on.
It’s OK to learn, grow, change careers, and follow your heart.
The power of declaring intentions and aligning with your soul.
The importance of daily practice to clear and raise your frequency.
Connecting with Mother Earth for clearing and regenerating.
How being an empath is a gift.
The guides and masters she channels for healing, guidance, and teaching.