Cathy and I had a lively conversation that tracked her experience in the Christian charismatic movement.


We covered the following topics:

Speaking in tongues.
Becoming a Dominican nun for 20 years.
Leaving the convent to expand her healing and channeling abilities
Sacred exorcism.
The Encyclopedia of Healing which will eventually have 20 volumes.
She channels Amma, the feminine face of God and radiates light and love frequencies generously every time she speaks.


Cathy has a doctorate in holistic psychology, is a prolific author, teacher, and contributor to Sedona Magazine.



Her books include:

Change Your Encodements, Your DNA, Your Life!
The Golden Elohim on the Creation of Form
From Conception to Birth (Amiya's Encyclopedia of Healing
The Human Energy Field: Auras (Amiya's Encyclopedia of Healing)
The Human Energy Field: Chakras (Amiya's Encyclopedia of Healing)