Joan Cerio welcomes authors Allen David Reed and Tahnee Woolf who talk about their book, Introducing the Ten Terrains of Consciousness. The Ten Terrains of Consciousness Model maps our personal and societal evolution from the most basic, fear-based, survival consciousness to the most expanded, love-based, Unity consciousness, along a continuum of growth and expansion, and without any judgment about one stage being better than another. The Ten Terrains Model helps you understand yourself better. By discovering which specific Terrain you are at right now, you can understand why you see the world the way you do, better understand your relationships with other people: why you get along with some, can’t seem to see eye to eye with others, and will also help you better understand our world. By observing the Terrains of our leaders and politicians and the "Prevailing Terrain" in the Western World, you will be able to grasp why our planet is in the state it is in.

American-born Allen David Reed is a modern Renaissance Man with a background in architecture, technology, science, philosophy, history, divination and shamanism. Australian Tahnee Woolf is an inspiring visionary who has been a lawyer, Oxford scholar, screenwriter, radio host, coach, facilitator and Feldenkrais Practitioner. Together they are the co-creators of the Ten Terrains Of Consciousness, a groundbreaking new model that helps you understand yourself, other people, and our world. Allen and Tahnee are a dynamic duo in interviews, beautifully balancing masculine and feminine, political and personal, gravitas and humor.