Joan Cerio welcomes poet Valerie Szarek who shares her words and thoughts about how this pandemic has stopped our momentum and ushers us into the sacred feminine and the new paradigm. In this new paradigm, there is no history, no past, nor written future for the first time in human existence. As always, we create with our words. Poetry is a powerful and important avenue to conscious creation and an invitation to people's hearts and souls to expand into this new way of being.

Valerie A. Szarek’s words and Native American Flute are medicines for our souls. Her poetry is present, political, and Shamanic, and crosses between the seen and unseen worlds effortlessly. She’s a regularly  featured performer at festivals and events around Colorado, including the International Young Leadership Conference, Stage C, the Mercury Cafe, The Telluride Literary festival, and Ziggie’s Poetry Festivals. She was named the Poet of the Year 2018 award for the Denver Open Media third Friday (Blissfest), first place award from the National Poetry Federation Winners Circle (2016), an EVVY award and has been a CAL awards finalist.  

She’s a Shamanic Practitioner and energy healer, leather artisan with Breezy Mountain Leather for 48 years, and teaches soul-centered writing workshops. 

Val writes to capture the Goddess in her hands, weave her into a poem, and read it to you. Her poems are an invitation to know yourself and the world around you a little deeper.

SOAR READY: Medicine Poems for a Changing World will be available in June.  

SIGNS OF LIFE is available now on Amazon.

Check out her new website: She can be reached at [email protected]