Joan Cerio welcomes author and Mayan Calendar expert Dr. Carl Calleman who will share with us our current place in the multidimensional Mayan Calendar. The Mayan Calendar is not a measure of time but a measure of consciousness. Learn how human consciousness is experiencing a shift while we are in the 9th wave of creation - the wave of unity consciousness.

Dr. Carl Johan Calleman was born in Sweden and received his Ph.D. in Physical Biology from the University of Stockholm in 1984. He was mentored by a member of the Nobel committees and later became a Senior Researcher of Environmental Health at the University of Washington in Seattle. He has served as an advisory expert with the World Health Organization (WHO) and is quoted extensively in scientific literature. This scientific foundation became the launch-pad for his other field of recognized expertise over the past 30 years: the Mayan Calendar. It is this work that gives the greatest purpose to his life and renders his greatest service to humanity in these critical times. Dr. Calleman's work is revolutionary in that he discovered within the calendar a logical progression and plan for the dramatic ebbs and flows of civilization's shifts that are evident throughout the timelines of human history. Together with noted author and teacher Barbara Hand Clow, their work has revolutionized our modern-day understanding of the Mayan Calendar and our Divine origin, through an advanced interpretation of the relationship between science and spirituality. He has written five internationally published books on his findings which are fundamental to understanding the greatest framework of human existence and the timely significance of the Mayan Calendar. His latest books are The Global Mind & the Rise of Civilization and The Nine Waves of Creation.