Joan Cerio welcomes resident astrologer Jude Valentine who shares the astrology of the second half of June. Hold your horses! Mercury turns apparent retrograde on June 18 a very touchy, feely time until August 4. You have the potential for a physical response to thoughts, and can also hold things in. The Moon will conjunct Venus on June 19, making space for positive heart felt understanding and possibly seeing other perspectives. The space between the 18th and 23rd are powerful for gauging a sense of direction. The June Solstice occurs at 5:43pm Eastern, on June 20, with the Moon and Sun square Mars the potential for outrage, rash behavior or zest for a new direction is present. An annular eclipse occurs a several hours later on June 21 at 2:41am at 0 degrees Cancer. We have two powerful indicators of new beginnings--a New Moon and a Solstice--but not without struggle, confusion and misplaced direction. This is a long cycle of initiation. Jupiter makes the second exact conjunction to Pluto—a background to the entire year of change—an expansion of power or breakthrough in world view—either is up to you. 

Jude Valentine is a professional artist and practicing astrologer with over 25 years in the study and application of mythology, numerology, tarot, and astrology. She uses Urania's Mirror as her astrological consulting studio. To schedule a reading with Jude, go to To see her artwork, go to