Joan Cerio welcomes Catherine G Lucas to the show. In the light of the pandemic, we'll be discussing the process of awakening of consciousness through crisis. Drawing on her own story, Catherine will share what it takes to flourish following profound crisis. We'll explore:

~ The relationship between personal and planetary awakening through crisis

~ The three key stages of moving successfully through crisis and where we are currently in the process.

~ Clear steps for moving from crisis to calling, so that the pandemic becomes the springboard for a quantum leap forward for ourselves, our communities and our planet.

Catherine will also share an exclusive listener offer for her upcoming workshop on Saturday September 5.

A former university professor, Catherine G Lucas is the author of four books on how to

move successfully through crisis and come to a new place of flourishing. She is the Founder

of the Spiritual Crisis Network, a UK not-for-profit, and a mindfulness trainer. Catherine has

been through profound crisis herself and fulfilled the potential it held for her, by going on to

become a published author and authority on spiritual emergency, as well as an international


She has supported many individuals during 15 years of work in this field. Catherine is now

offering her new signature system The Quantum Quest: From Crisis to Calling in Three Clear

Steps to online groups, conscious enterprises, organisations and not-for-profits. She is

passionate about helping individuals and leaders step into their soul’s calling following crisis,

whether that be personal or the pandemic. Her media appearances include BBC Radio and

TimeWarner TV. Catherine lives off-grid in Catalonia, Spain with her husband Swithin Fry.

Her websites are and