Joan Cerio welcomes psychotherapist Dorothy Wallis to the show. An invisible threat like Covid-19 brings up uncertainty about your safety and the future. It stresses your nervous system. People respond to uncertainty, anxiety and fear in surprisingly different ways. The challenge is finding the way in which you respond to this unprecedented situation in order to help you come back to the sense of safety. We will be discussing various coping strategies for the distinct ways in which people feel threatened. 

Dorothy Wallis has a private practice with an M.A. in Marriage and Family Therapy. She is a Psychotherapist, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and an International Spiritual Teacher at the forefront of the consciousness movement. For over thirty years, Dorothy has grounded her practice in meditation, family systems, relationships, and emotional growth. Her work reflects efficacious modalities of alternative approaches to healing for individuals and couples based upon the latest research in science, human energy fields, psychology, and spirituality. 

Her websites are and Her email address is [email protected].