Joan Cerio welcomes resident astrologer Jude Valentine who shares with us the astrology of April. The most important aspect this month is the Jupiter Pluto conjunction that perfects on April 4. The first week of April will be heavy and the Full Moon on 4/7 may reveal something that was hidden in our own lives or in the collective. New ideas are needed. Both the Full Moon and New Moon on 4/22 (Earth Day) are ruled by Venus, whose energy may be our saving grace. Find a creative outlet for your emotions - write, paint, draw, dance, sing. Pluto turns retrograde towards the end of the month bringing us yet another opportunity for inner and outer transformation.

Jude Valentine is a professional artist and practicing astrologer with over 25 years in the study and application of mythology, numerology, tarot, and astrology. She uses Urania's Mirror as her astrological consulting studio. To order a reading from Jude, go to To see Jude's artwork, go to