Earth Cast Season One: The Just Energy Transition

🎙 In the first episode of season one, Olivia Taylor (@olivia_earth) speaks to Dr Nthabiseng Mohlakoana about her personal journey exploring the energy sector, her findings regarding tackling the dual goals of decarbonization and development, and their interconnections with gender equality, what an energy transition is, the enabling factors (and barriers) for a deep and just transition, as well as the Just Energy Transition in an African context and its potential for growth.

Dr Nthabiseng Mohlakoana is a Senior Researcher at the Centre for Sustainability Transitions (CST), Stellenbosch University. She has published articles and book chapters on energy access and use, productive uses of energy in the informal food sector and addressing gender issues in energy governance and access.

Nthabi has 20 years of experience in research focusing on energy policy implementation, energy access and use as well as gender mainstreaming in the energy sector. At the CST she is part of the energy team working on the South African energy transition with a focus on the socio-economic issues such as energy access, energy poverty, jobs, skills development, gender as well as impact on communities and their livelihoods.

Most of her research in recent years emphasizes the importance of gender equality in planning and implementation of energy and other basic services interventions dictated by policies, in line with the SDGs and other important intervention strategies. Nthabi’s work aims at finding solutions that address and lead to the eradication of energy poverty and addressing inequalities in the global south.

🎙To follow more of Nthabi’s work, please visit here.