From Gateshead, winners of the BBC Local Radio Gillard award for best station promotion. Meet Chris Wood and Richard Latto and hear their audio in this month's podcast.

Gateshead Millennium Bridge. Photograph by Karen Bullock

Frank Gillard Awards

Meet two of the finalists for best station promotion in this year’s BBC Local Radio awards.

Chris Wood produced an energetic and multiplatform campaign for a local music festival in Oxfordshire while Richard Latto steered a sensitive course through coverage of the Titanic’s 100th anniversary on BBC Radio Solent. Hear them describe how they approached these two large-scale local projects and the resulting creative production.

Hobsons Voicesearch

Jumoke, Sefa, Mark and Scott continue their quest to win a year’s professional representation with Hobsons. This time they each voice an insurance ad at Global Radio, complete with caveat terms and conditions read at 900 miles an hour.

Play here

[audio:|titles=”Earshot Creative Review for October 2012″]

Download the mp3 (40’02”, 160kb/s stereo mp3, 47.1MB)

Subscribe to the Earshot Creative Review via iTunes.

Bonus audio

[audio:|titles=”BBC Radio Solent entry by Richard Latto”]

Competition entry audio by Richard Latto.

[audio:|titles=”BBC Radio Oxford entry by Chris Wood”]

Competition entry audio by Chris Wood.


Full details of the BBC Local Radio Frank Gillard awards, with a complete list of all winners.

If you like what you hear please vote for the Earshot Creative Review in the European Podcast Awards


Earshot Creative Review imaging by Chris Nichol at Wizz FX  with custom vocals from Session Singer Online and beds by

The podcast is sponsored by Hobsons.

Hobsons Voicesearch report by Kate Cocker. Special thanks to Jo McCrostie and Dan Akers at Global Radio creative.

Views expressed are personal and not necessarily those of the BBC or Global Radio. The contributors acknowledge all rights held by the owners, creators and performers of the recorded works which are included solely for the purposes of education and review.


Monday 22 October, 2012, Earshot creative review « Chris Wood Radio writes: [...] October 2012 – Earshot Creative Review [...]

From Earshot where views are personal and original writing is licensed under Creative Commons. Follow @earshotcreative and send story ideas and examples of great creative work to the editor @smartin

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